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Session Length: 43 minutes

Includes:  Mind Control, Mesmerized Domination, Seduction, Mind Games, Psychological Manipulation, Brainwashing, Femdom, Erotic Mind Fuck, Mystery, Power Exchange, Trance, Mind Numbing, Voice Entrapment.

Imagine yourself sitting across the room from a beautiful imposing Woman with a mysterious intent.  Her alluring eyes and seductive posture are so inviting and when She speaks, Her soothing voice reminds you of honey - sweet and oh, so intoxicating.  Momentarily mesmerized by this visual and aural indulgence, you are soon captivated by Her red lips that perfectly frame every delicate word that escapes the mouth of this seductress.

Initially, you try to be cool, aloof, as if you're the one calling the shots, but, She's no fool, She knows you're off-balance, vulnerable, ripe for the picking, another submissive soul that is about to embark on a journey that will change him forever.  As a Mind Mistress She's been plotting this day for some time, weaving a web of temptation and persuasion so that your helpless and entranced mind has only one option - submit!

And submit you will, Her spellbinding voice is compulsive listening, like a highly addictive drug, your mind numbing, your thoughts clouded like thickening fog, every fiber of your being is surrendering to this euphoric aural assault.  Like a forgotten memory you try to resist, but, it's too little too late, She's already ensnared Her prey and all that remains to subjugate, what remains for your free will, before She commences the next phase of Her plan to enslave you...

In this brainwashing session, you'll be subjected to a series of mind games and different forms of psychological manipulation.  Like a Siren's voice, your (soon to be) captor will whisper sweet nothings in your ear, deluding you that you are really in control, that you're the one making all the decisions, when - in reality - you are surrendering to Her aural barrage.  Every moment you are in Her presence you subconsciously feel your grip on reality slipping away but are not alarmed because it feels so right, so good.

But, don't worry, My sweet, if you struggle to recall the details of this encounter, it only reinforces how distracting this truly mesmerizing Woman is on a secret submissive like you.  This will be a very erotic encounter, you matched against a Siren's power of persuasion, Her entrancing and commanding presence versus your self-control.  The reality is you regain your senses feeling perfectly fine, confident in your resolve, but, equally, you could be completely under Her control and blissfully ignorant to what She's done to you.

So, come forth and embrace this Siren's charms.  Let Her take you on a journey of mind-numbing pleasure, and possibly deception, knowing the risk is worth the reward.  you won't regret it... or will you? (giggles)

WARNING:  This audio session has been designed to induce a deep state of relaxation and suggestibility.  Listen at your own risk.

Only: $35.00

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